Other Items from Gift Sets
Advanced Flair Training Kit With Dean Serneels - Advanced level training DVD that focuses on complex flair skills and how to prepare for a flair bartending competition
Showmanship Flair Kit With Dean Serneels - Intermediate level training DVD that focuses on more great flair skills and how to create a memorable flair show
Learn To Bartend Home Bar Set - Everything you need to begin your bartending career!
New VIP Edition of The Rabbit In Case With Foil Cutter - Trophy presentation case of polished chrome and black genuine leather
Deluxe Home Bar Set - Add Style To Your Home Bar With Our Professional Bar Kit
Rabbit wine opener 6-Piece Tool Kit by Metrokane -Black - The original Rabbit Corkscrew featured in an ideal collection gift set
Silver Rabbit Corkscrew Wine 6-Piece Tool Kit by Metrokane - The Silver Rabbit Corkscrew featured in an ideal collection of wine tools
Deluxe Rabbit Wine Tool kit 6 Piece Corkscrew Gift Set by Metrokane - Deluxe Rabbit Corkscrew featured in an ideal collection of wine tools
Kitchen Mixer Pourer Set - Pour the perfect amounts of oil's everytime!
Bar Chemistry mini cocktail shaker 4 pack of 7 oz. shakers -
Bar Chemistry 4 Coaster Set -